We've gathered answers to some of the most common questions about our policies, coverage options, and claims process. Our aim is to provide you with quick, clear insights to assist you better. If your question isn't covered, feel free to reach out to us directly for more help.

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Have a quetions? We've done our best below to cover the most common questions so that your informed.

Your premiums will vary depending on the nature of the policy. We take into account your personal circumstances, previous claims, the value of what you are insuring, and how much risk (including excess) you are prepared to take on.

We will thoroughly research your options and provide you with several quotes in order to make your premium as affordable as possible.

Some insurers allow monthly payments but where this is not possible we can organise a premium funding quote allowing you to pay your premiums by instalments. 

It is important to note when using premium funding to pay your insurance, there are terms and conditions you will be signing up to, including interest fees. 

Please contact us directly for further information regarding premium funding quotes.

Yes! We are a full service agency and will attempt to minimise your workload wherever possible. MACK Insurance Services will negotiate all claims and submit any required information on your behalf.

Absolutely! We have offices located in both Wagga Wagga and Narrandera and are always available to meet with new clients. Contact us directly to ensure we connect you with the best person to assist with your needs. 

There are some simple steps to follow when making a claim. Refer to our claims page for further information.

We will lodge your claim as quickly as possible and once we have all the required information we will endeavour to lodge your claim the same day.

Resolution of claims is dependant on the size of the claim. A small claim may be settled in a short period of time while larger, more complex claims are likely to take longer to process.

We will always attempt to call you to discuss renewals. We will also communicate with you via email or by mail where email is unavailable.