Our Clients

We work with a diverse range of clients making insurance simple through many sectors throughout regional Australia. We've got what you need also in a way that provides you value for money. 

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Valued clients that have uncomplicated insurance policies tailored to them, handled by us.

Our Valued Clients

We have clients from every sector from Personal Insurance to Heavy Motor and Truck Insurance. 

    We have been running our own business for 5 years now and although we thought we had our affairs in order, we really didn’t. After speaking with Lachy, from MACK Insurance Services we realised we had a lot of areas within our business that we could tighten up and streamline.

    Josh Walsh

    Josh Walsh

    A huge thanks to Lach MacKinnon for his exceptional customer service and for spending his time understanding my business before looking after all my insurance needs for 2017.

    Andy Lamont

    Andy Lamont

    It is with great pleasure that I am able to write this client testimonial for MACK Insurance Services and their company Director Lachlan MacKinnon.

    Oliver Judd

    Oliver Judd